The college of dietitians of British Columbia
The College of Dietitians of British Columbia provides a publicly available listing of all registered dietitians in British Columbia. Data includes a complete listing of names, registration numbers, status within the college, restricted activities, certification to insert feeding tubes, and the effective and expiry date for registration. Location of the dietitian is not available. Data is presented in a table which has selectable headings to allow the user to sort data according to their interest. Information is accurate for 2012-2013. Researchers may make requests for aggregate statistics. Researchers may email specific requests for CDBC data to Fern Hubbard, Registrar at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Example of Data Presented:
Name Registration # Status RAs FT Effective Expiry
Smith, 0000 Full A 2012/04/01 2013/03/31
Jim K. Registrant
Access via website:
The inclusion of this reference is not intended as authorization to access or use of the information stored within the sited resource. All users are strongly advised to contact the data custodian for instructions and/or authorization on access and use of available data or information.
Example of Data Presented:
Name Registration # Status RAs FT Effective Expiry
Smith, 0000 Full A 2012/04/01 2013/03/31
Jim K. Registrant
Access via website:
The inclusion of this reference is not intended as authorization to access or use of the information stored within the sited resource. All users are strongly advised to contact the data custodian for instructions and/or authorization on access and use of available data or information.
Credentialing-General, Credentialing-Licensure
Canada-British Columbia