Occupational Therapists in Patient Navigation: A Scoping Review of the Literature.
This review seeks to understand the literature on patient navigator programs (PNPs) that employ occupational therapists (OTs), including the role (conceptualization), functions (operationalization) of OTs who work as patient navigators (PNs) and the settings and populations they serve. This review also mapped the role of PNs to the 2021 Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada. Scoping review methodology by Arksey and O'Malley (2005) was employed. Data were analyzed thematically and numerically to identify frequent patterns. Ten articles were included. Within PNPs, OTs worked in hospitals and communities, but their role was rarely well-defined. Five competency domains (i.e., communication and collaboration, culture, equity and justice, excellence in practice, professional responsibility, and engagement with the profession) were evident in existing PNPs that included OTs. This review supports the increasing interest in OTs as PNs by demonstrating the alignment between the OT competencies and roles and functions of OTs working within PNPs.
Keywords: chronic illness; continuity of care; coordination; occupational therapy; patient navigation; scoping review.
Keywords: chronic illness; continuity of care; coordination; occupational therapy; patient navigation; scoping review.
OTJR : occupation, participation and health
Professional Role-General, Professional Role-Scope of Practice
Occupational Therapists
Chronic Care
Literature Review
Integrated Care Models Optimizing Scope